2019 European Team Championship Warhammer 40,000 Tournament: Team Ukraine
Player name: Dmitry Ivanov (Team Captain)
Army Faction: T’au Empire
Total Command Points: 3+5+5+1=14
Total Army Points: 2000 pts
++ Battalion Detachment (T’au Empire – T’au Sept) 1330pts, +5CP ++
HQ: 1 Commander Shadowsun (110) – [110pts]
HQ: 1 Darkstrider – [45pts]
HQ: 1 Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) – [42pts]
Elites: 1 XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2x Smart missile system (30), Heavy burst cannon (35), Target Lock (12), Advanced targeting system (18) – [280pts]
Elites: 1 XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2x Smart missile system (30), Heavy burst cannon (35), Target Lock (12), Advanced targeting system (18) – [280pts]
Elites: 1 XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2x Smart missile system (30), Heavy burst cannon (35), Velocity Tracker (10), Advanced targeting system (18) – [278pts]
Troops: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas’ui (0), 5 Pulse rifle (0) – [35pts]
Troops: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas’ui (0), 5 Pulse rifle (0) – [35pts]
Troops: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas’ui (0), 5 Pulse rifle (0) – [35pts]
Fast Attack: 7 MV4 Shield Drone (70) – [70pts]
Fast Attack: 6 MV4 Shield Drone (60) – [60pts]
Fast Attack: 6 MV4 Shield Drone (60) – [60pts]
++ Battalion Detachment (T’au empire – T’au Sept) 464pts, +5CP ++
HQ: 1 Coldstar Commander (90), Advanced targeting system(6), 3 Missile pod (45) – [141pts] – Warlord(Through Unity, Devastation)
HQ: 1 Ethereal (45), Honour blade (0), Hover drone(5) – [50pts]
Troops: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas’ui (0), 5 Pulse rifle (0) – [35pts]
Troops: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas’ui (0), 5 Pulse rifle (0) – [35pts]
Troops: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas’ui (0), 5 Pulse rifle (0) – [35pts]
Elites: 3 XV25 Stealth Battlesuits (60), 3 burst cannon(24), Shas’vre(0) – [84pts]
Elites: 3 XV25 Stealth Battlesuits (60), 3 burst cannon(24), Shas’vre(0) – [84pts]
++ Vanguard Detachment (T’au empire – Sa’cea Sept) 206pts, +1CP ++
HQ: 1 Coldstar Commander (90), Shield generator(8), 2 Missile pod (30), Airbursting fragmentation projector(8) – [136pts] Signature system(Supernova launcher)
Elites: 1 Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) – [25pts]
Elites: 1 Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) – [25pts]
Elites: 1 Dahyak Grekh – [2 PL, 20pts]
Discarded TO: 41 – Advance, 46 – Domination, 52 – Blood And Guts, 61 – Kingslayer
Player name: Aleksey Ershov
Army Faction: Imperium
Total Command Points: 3+5+12+1-1-1-1=18
Total Army Points: 2000 pts
Army Factions Used: Blood Angels, Imperial Guard, Adeptus Custodes
++ Battalion Detachment (Blood Angels) 486pts, +5CP ++
HQ: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Storm Shield (15), Thunder Hammer (21) [124pts], Death Visions of Sanguinius (-1 CP)
HQ: Librarian Dreadnought (140), Strombolter (2) [142pts] Psychic Powers: Smite, Quickening, Wings of Sanguinius
Troops: 5 Scouts (55) Boltguns (0), Sergeant Boltgun (0) and chainsword (0) – [4pls] [55pts]
Troops: 5 Infiltrators [110pts]
Troops: 5 Scouts (55) Boltguns (0), Sergeant Boltgun (0) and chainsword (0)[55pts]
++ Brigade Detachment (Imperial Guard – Vostroya) 1026pts, +12CP ++
Specialist detachment Vigilus EMPEROR’S FIST TANK COMPANY [-1CP]
HQ: Company Commander (30), Chainsword (0), boltgun (1) [31pts]
HQ: Company Commander (30), Chainsword (0), boltgun (1) [31pts]
HQ: Tank Commander (147) Punisher gatling cannon (20pts), Lascannon (20pts), HB Sponsons(16pts), Heavy Stubber (2pts)- [200pts]
HQ: Tank Commander (147) Hammer of Sunderance(-1cp) (22pts), Lascannon (20pts), HB Sponsons(16pts), Heavy Stubber (2pts) – [202pts]
Troops: infantry Squad [40pts] TR: infantry Squad [40pts]
Troops: infantry Squad [40pts] TR: infantry Squad [40pts]
Troops: infantry Squad [40pts] TR: infantry Squad [40pts]
Troops: infantry Squad [40pts]
Elites: Astropath (26), Laspistol (0) [26pts] – Psychic Powers: Smite, Psychic Barrier
Elites: Platoon Commander, boltgun (1) [21pts]
Elites: Astropath (26), Laspistol (0) [26pts] – Psychic Powers: Smite, Nightshroud
FA: Scout Sentinel (30), Multilaser (6)[35pts]
FA: Armoured Sentinel (30), Plasma Cannon (10),[40pts]
FA: Scout Sentinel (30), Multilaser (6),[35pts]
Heavy Support: 3 x Heavy Weapons Squad(18), 3xMortar(15) [33pts]
Heavy Support: 3 x Heavy Weapons Squad(18), 3xMortar(15) [33pts]
Heavy Support: 3 x Heavy Weapons Squad(18), 3xMortar(15) [33pts]
++ Supreme Command Detachment (Adeptus Custodes) 488pts, +1CP ++
HQ: Shield Captain on Dawneagle bike (150) Hurricane bolter (10) misericordia(4)[164pts]
HQ: Shield Captain on Dawneagle bike (150) Hurricane bolter (10) [160pts]
HQ: Shield Captain on Dawneagle bike (150) Hurricane bolter (10) misericordia(4)[164pts] Warlord (Superior Creation) Auric Aquilas
Discarded TO: 41 – Advance, 46 – Domination, 55 – Psychological warfare, 62 – Witch hunter, 61 – Kingslayer
Player name: Artem Musiienko
Army Faction: Orks
Total Command Points: 3+5+5+5+1-1-1= 17
Total Army Points: 1999pts
Army Factions Used: Orks
++ Battalion Detachment (Orks – Evil Sunz) 747pts, +5CP ++
Specialist Detachment: KULT OF SPEED [-1CP]
HQ: Weirdboy : Psychic: Warpath-[62pts]
HQ: Deffkilla Wartrike(80) – [80pts] +1 CP – Warlord: Follow me, Ladz!
Troops: 30 Boyz Mob : Boss Nob(7): Big Choppa(5), Slugga(0) ,29x Ork Boy(29×7), Slugga & Choppa(29×0),3x Tankbusta Bombs(0)[215pts]
Troops: 30 Boyz Mob : Boss Nob(7): Big Choppa(5), Slugga(0) ,29x Ork Boy(29×7), Slugga & Choppa(29×0),3x Tankbusta Bombs(0)[215pts]
Troops: 10 Boyz Mob : Boss Nob(7): Choppa(0), Slugga(0),9x Ork Boy(9×7), Shoota(9×0),1x Tankbusta Bombs(0)[70pts]
Elites: Painboy: Power Klaw(13) – [65 pts]
++ Battalion Detachment (Orks – Bad Moons) 491pts, +5CP ++
Specialist Detachment: Dread WAAAGH [-1CP]
HQ: Big Mek With Shokk Attack Gun(80), grot oiler(4), SHINY GUBBINZ: Da Souped-up Shokka – [84pts]
HQ: Weirdboy: Psychic: Da Jump -[62pts]
Troops: Gretchin: 10x Gretchin – [30pts]
Troops: Gretchin: 10x Gretchin – [30pts]
Troops: Gretchin: 10x Gretchin – [30pts]
Elites: Tankbustas: 1x Boss Nob(5), 14x Tankbustas(5×14), Rockit Lancha(15×12) – [255pts]
++ Battalion Detachment (Orks – Evil Sunz)761pts, +5CP ++
HQ: Weirdboy: Psychic: Da Jump -[62pts]
HQ:Big Mek in Mega Armour: Kustom Force Field(20), Kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw(13) -[112pts]
Troops: 10 Boyz Mob : Boss Nob(7): Choppa(0), Slugga(0),9x Ork Boy(9×7), Shoota(9×0),1x Tankbusta Bombs(0)[70pts]
Troops: 10 Boyz Mob : Boss Nob(7): Choppa(0), Slugga(0),9x Ork Boy(9×7), Shoota(9×0),1x Tankbusta Bombs(0)[70pts]
Troops: Gretchin: 10x Gretchin -[30pts]
Heavy Support: Battlewagon: Battlewagon(120), Deffrolla(19), `are Case(0) – [139pts]
Heavy Support: Battlewagon: Battlewagon(120), Deffrolla(19), `are Case(0) – [139pts]
Heavy Support: Battlewagon: Battlewagon(120), Deffrolla(19), `are Case(0) – [139pts]
Refined Strategy: 41 (Advance)
Player name: Svyatoslav
Army Faction: Chaos
Total Command points: 3+5+1+5-1-1-1=11
Total Army points: 1998 pts
Army Factions Used: Thousand Sons, Chaos Daemons, Heretic Astartes
Total Reinforcement Points: 2
++ Battalion Detachment (Thousand Sons) 846pts, +5CP ++
HQ: Ahriman (131), Disc of Tzeentch (35) – [166] – (Psychic powers: Weaver of Fates, Glamour of Tzeentch, Prescience)
HQ: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with wings (170), malefic talons (10), Relic: dark matter crystal – [180] – (Psychic powers: Warptime, Infernal Gateway)
HQ: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with wings (170), malefic talons (10), Relic: Helm of the Third Eye (-1CP) – [180] – WARLORD: High Magister (Psychic powers: Temporal Manipulation, Bolt of Change)
Troops: 30 Tzaangors (30×7 = 210), Twistbray(0), 30 tzaangor blades (0), brayhorn (10) – [220]
Troops: 10 Chaos Cultists (10×5 = 50), Champion (0), 10 autoguns (0) [50]
Troops: 10 Chaos Cultists (10×5 = 50), Champion (0), 10 autoguns (0) [50]
++ Supreme Command Detachment (CSM: Alpha Legion)480pts, +1CP ++
Special Detachment: Soul Forged Pack [-1CP]
HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker (150), autocannon (10), Mark of Tzeentch (0) [160]
HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker (150), autocannon (10), Mark of Tzeentch (0) [160]
HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker (150), autocannon (10), Mark of Nurgle(0) [160]
++ Battalion Detachment (Chaos Daemons) 672pts, +5CP ++
HQ: Daemon Prince of Khorne with wings (170), Daemonic Axe (10) [180]
HQ: Poxbringer – [70] – (Psychic powers: Miasma of Pestilence)
Troops: 20 Bloodletters (20х7 = 140) Bloodreaper (0), Daemonic Icon(15), Instrument of Chaos(10) [165] Strategem: BANNER OF BLOOD -1CP
Troops: 3 Nurglings (3×18 = 54) [54]
Troops: 29 Plaguebearers (29×7 = 203), Plagueridden (0) [203]
Refined strategy: 41 Advance; 46 Domination
Player name: Vladyslav Pavlov
Army Faction: Imperium
Command Points: 3+5+6=14
Total Army Points: 2000
Army Factions Used: Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Knights
Total Reinforcement Points: N/A
++ Battalion Detachment (Adeptus Mechanicus, Forgeworld – GRAIA) 165pts, +5CP ++
HQ1: Tech-Priest Enginseer (30), [30pts]
HQ2: Tech-Priest Enginseer (30), [30pts]
Troops1: 5 Scitarii Rangers (35), 5x galvanic rifle [35pts]
Troops2: 5 Scitarii Rangers (35), 5x galvanic rifle [35pts]
Troops3: 5 Scitarii Rangers (35), 5x galvanic rifle [35pts]
++ Super-Heavy detachment (Imperial Knights – Questor Mechanicus – House KRAST) 1363pts, +6CP ++
LoW: Knight Crusader (285), Thermal canon (76), heavy stubber (2), Avenger Gatling cannon (75), heavy flamer (14), Ironstorm rocket pod (16), [25 PL, 468 pts], WARLORD (The First Knight), Relic (Endless Fury).
LoW: Knight Crusader (285), Thermal canon (76), heavy stubber (2), Avenger Gatling cannon (75), heavy flamer (14), Ironstorm rocket pod (16), [25 PL, 468 pts]
LoW: Knight Warden (285), Avenger Gatling cannon (75), heavy flamer (14), thunderstrike gauntlet (35), heavy stubber (2), Ironstorm rocket pod (16), [23 PL, 427 pts]
++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Imperial Knights – Questor Imperialis – House MORTAN) 472pts, +0CP ++
LOW: Knight Crusader (285), Thermal canon (76), heavy stubber (2), Avenger Gatling cannon (75), heavy flamer (14), Twin Icarus Autocanon (20), [25 PL, 472 pts]
Refined strategy: 41 Advance; 64 Assassinate; 46 Domination; 62 Witch Hunter; 61 Kingslayer
Player name: Alexsandr Russalov
Army Faction: Tyranids, Genestealer cult
Total Command Points: 3+5+5+5-1=17
Total Army Points: 1998 pts
Army Factions Used: Tyranids, Genestealer cult
++ Battalion Detachment (Tyranids – Leviathan) 535pts +5CP ++
HQ: Hive Tyrant (143), Two devourers with brainleech worms(28), Wings(47) – [218 pt.], psi: CATALYST, THE HORROR
HQ: Hive Tyrant (143), Two devourers with brainleech worms(28), Wings(47) – [218 pt.], psi: PSYCHIC SCREAM, THE HORROR
Troops: 3x Ripper Swarm [33pts]
Troops: 3x Ripper Swarm [33pts]
Troops: 3x Ripper Swarm [33pts]
++ Battalion Detachment (Genestealer Cult – Four-Handed Emperor) 790pts, +5CP ++
Specialist Detachment: Deliverance Broodsurge [-1CP]
HQ: Patriarch – (125), familiar (12) – [137pt.] Warlord: +1 LD, relic: THE CROUCHLING, Psi: MENTAL ONSLAUGHT, MIND CONTROL, (MASS HYPNOSIS for relic)
HQ: Acolyte Iconward [53pts]
HQ: Primus (72), bonesword(3) – [75 pt.]
Troops: 15 Acolyte Hybrids(105), Leader(0), 4 Heavy Rock Saw(40), Cult Icon(10) = [155 pt.]
Troops: 15 Acolyte Hybrids(105), Leader(0), 4 Heavy Rock Saw(40), Cult Icon(10) = [155 pt.]
Troops: 10 Brood Brothers Infantry Squad, Leader(0) [40pts]
Elites: Clamavus [55pts]
Elites: Kelermorph [60pts]
Elites: Sanctus (55), silencer sniper rifle (5) – [60 pt.]
++ Battalion Detachment (Tyranids – Genestealer Cults – Bladed Cog, Four-Handed Emperor, Twisted Helix) 673pts, +5CP ++
HQ: Magus [80pts] <Bladed Cog> psi: MIGHT FROM BEYAND, MASS HYPNOSIS
HQ: Primus (72), bonesword(3) – [75 pt.] <Twisted Helix >
Troops: 18 Acolyte Hybrids(126), Leader(0), 18 hand flamers (18), Cult Icon(10), Demolition charge(4) [158 pt] <Bladed Cog>
Troops: 10 Brood Brothers Infantry Squad, Leader(0) [40pts] <Four-Handed Emperor>
Troops: 10 Brood Brothers Infantry Squad, Leader(0) [40pts] <Four-Handed Emperor>
Elites: 10 Aberrants(160), 2 Aberrant Hypermorph upgr.(0), 2 Heavy Improvised Weapon(20), 4 Heavy Power Hammer(64), 4 Power Pick(36) [280 pt.] <Twisted Helix >
Refined strategy: 41 Advance; 46 Domination
Player name: Mikhaylov Oleksandr
Army Faction: Imperium
Total Command Points: 3+5+1-1=8
Total Army Points: 2000 pts
Army Factions Used: Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Officio Assassinorum
++ Battalion Detachment (Dark Angels) 867pts, +5CP ++
Specialist Detachment: Ravenwing Attack Squadron (-1CP)
HQ: Sammael in Sableclaw [216pts]
HQ: Ravenwing Talonmaster (123): Power sword (4); Twin assault cannon (44); Twin heavy bolter (17) [188pts]
HQ: Ravenwing Talonmaster (123): Power sword (4); Twin assault cannon (44); Twin heavy bolter (17) [188pts]
Troops: 5x Infilltrator (110): Infiltrator Sergeant (0) [110pts]
Troops: 5x Infilltrator (110): Infiltrator Sergeant (0) [110pts]
Troops: 5x Scout (55): 5x Boltgun (0); Scout Sergeant (0): Boltgun (0), Bolt pistol (0) [55pts]
++ Vanguard Detachment (Officio Assassinorum) 255pts ++
Elites: Vindicare Assassin [85pts]
Elites: Vindicare Assassin [85pts]
Elites: Vindicare Assassin [85pts]
++ Vanguard Detachment (Space Wolves) 878pts, +1CP ++
HQ: Wolf Lord (74): Jump Pack (19); Storm shield (10); Thunder hammer (21) [124pts] Relic The Wulfen Stone
HQ: Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Phobos Armour [86pts] Warlord Master of the Vanguard
Elites: 9x Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour(207): 8x Storm bolter(16), 7x Storm shield(14), Power axe(5); Wolf Guard Pack Leader in Terminator Armour(0): Storm bolter(2); Thunder hammer(16) [260pts]
Elites: 9x Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour(207): 8x Storm bolter(16), 7x Storm shield(14), Power sword(4); Wolf Guard Pack Leader in Terminator Armour(0): Storm bolter(2); Thunder hammer(16) [259pts]
Elites: 5x Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour(115): 4x Storm bolter(8), 4x Storm shield(8); Wolf Guard Pack Leader in Terminator Armour(0): Storm bolter(2); Thunder hammer(16) [149pts]
Refined strategy: 41 Advance; 46 Domination
Player name: Fedor Symonenko
Army Faction: Aeldari – Craftworlds, Aeldari – Drukhari
Total Command Points: 3+5+1+1=10
Total Army Points: 1999 pts
++ Battalion Detachment (Aeldari – Craftworlds – Alaitoc) 944pts, +5CP ++
HQ: 1 Autarch Skyrunner(95), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Laser Lance (8), WARLORD(Fate’s Messenger)- [105pts] The Phoenix Gem (0CP)
HQ: 1 Farseer Skyrunner(130), Twin Shuriken Catapult(2) Witchblade (0) [132pts] Psychic powers (1. Guide, 2. Doom)
Troops: 5 Dire Avengers ((4 Dire Avengers(44),Dire Avenger Exarch (11)Two Avenger Shuriken Catapults (3)) [58pts]
Troops: 5 Rangers (60) [60pts]
Troops: 5 Rangers (60) [60pts]
Fast Attack: 9x Windrider (144), 9x Scatter Laser(63) [207pts]
Flyer: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), Two Starcannons (26) [161pts]
Flyer: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), Two Starcannons (26) [161pts]
++ Spearhead Detachment (Aeldari – Craftworlds – Alaitoc) 650pts, +1CP ++
HQ: 1 Warlock Skyrunner(65), Twin Shuriken Catapult(2) Witchblade(0) [67pts] Psychic powers: Protect/Jinx
Heavy Support: 1 Fire Prism (155), Twin Shuriken Catapult(2) [157pts]
Heavy Support: 1 Fire Prism (155), Twin Shuriken Catapult(2) [157pts]
Heavy Support: 1 Fire Prism (155), Twin Shuriken Catapult(2) [157pts]
Heavy Support: 1 Night Spinner(122) , Twin Shuriken Catapult(2) [112pts]
++ Air Wing Detachment (Aeldari – Drukhari – Kabal of the Black Heart) 405pts, +1CP ++
Flyer: Razorwing Jetfighter(105), Twin splinter rifle(0), 2 Disintegrator Cannons(30) [135pts]
Flyer: Razorwing Jetfighter(105), Twin splinter rifle(0), 2 Disintegrator Cannons(30) [135pts]
Flyer: Razorwing Jetfighter(105), Twin splinter rifle(0), 2 Disintegrator Cannons(30) [135pts]
Refined strategy: 41 Advance; 46 Domination